Locals concerned as an Auckland police station 'always seems closed'

March 25, 2022

Locals concerned as an Auckland police station 'always seems closed'

The lights are on but often no-one is apparently home at Beachlands Police Station, say locals. Photo: Jorja Leadbetter

It opened in 2018 but locals say Beachlands police station always seems to be closed, even as the once-small community has continued to grow.

Police have assured it is not closed - although the public counter currently is, due to Covid affecting volunteer staff.

But it is still the base used by the community constable, they add.

However locals say it was like this before the pandemic, and incidents are reliant on police taking 20-30 minutes to come from the nearest other stations, such as Otara or Botany.

“I can’t understand why it’s always closed when the size of Beachlands/Maraetai is growing by the day,” said local Karen Duder, in response to TWN via the local Grapevine forum.

Another local, Korbin Bryan, said, “Reported a near head on last week with a drunk driver, found him asleep on the side of the road two hours later in Whitford with his car on, police weren’t concerned said it wasn’t high priority.”

However, the station is not actually closed and “remains in operation”, explained Otara Police.

“The public counter is normally operated by a team of volunteers who endeavour to meet the needs and requests of the community. However due to Covid-19 restrictions the public counter remains closed," said Constable Jack Hibbs in statement.

He stressed that a community officer is still stationed at the location and continues to be available to the public.

“When Beachlands community staff are not working or not readily available, our local Public Safety team is deployed from Ormiston to patrol Beachlands.”

The Beachlands police station opened on July 12, 2018.

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